• The One Body Workout is going to turn you into an exercise fanatic.
  Only the One Body Workout can guide you to love working out. The book provides the secret steps that perhaps even many professionals don't know that can burn the One Body Workout into your DNA for life. Imagine having the world's best friend that will never leave your side. That's the One Body difference.

  Exercise is part of human design. We were designed for movement. Without exercise, we fall short of being able to realize our full potential, whatever that potential may be. That's right, without exercise, we handicap ourselves from everything like living longer, enjoying the little things, and everything that encompasses life success. 

  Exercise makes every single thing we are made of, better. It strengthens and conditions our bodies and minds for survival. Exercise essentially is pure truth in life. 
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Why choose the One Body Workout.
  Developed to get maximum results through careful research and testing, the One Body Workout delivers! With its unique sequences of sets and repetitions, it cleverly eliminates warm-ups, works our muscles to exhaustion, works our heart and lungs powerfully, and effectively to their maximum capabilities. With light, quick stretches, you are smashing through your routine and on with your day.

  Time-tested: The One Body Workout uses 7 worthy and time-tested techniques used by the professionals that were developed in the earlier part of the 20th century.

  Simplicity: Each of the 5 workouts is divided into 3 steps to the victory circle. The One Body Workout was designed so simple, most people should be able to commit it to memory in time. 

  Military standard calisthenics: The One Body Workout systems utilize bodyweight-only calisthenics as the world's military institutions do. By definition, this exercise program is ugly but super effective. 
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  With proper nutrition, our exercise systems can help with fat loss, build strong, hard athletic muscles or even develop the elite bodybuilding look that many enjoy. In all 3 instances, you'll get the results you want. For fat loss purposes, it is helpful to add a 20 to 30-minute brisk walk to your schedule 3 to 7 times per week. 

  Our workouts are designed to generate big energy. Because they are all under 30 minutes duration, they strike a balance of time and workload that actually leaves you with both desirable results and an entire day's worth of massive energy.
  • Defeat the 2 pm blah's like a boss.
  • Improves sleep.
  • Better morning and evening moods.
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The most precious of all things is time. The One Body Workouts help amplify, maximize, and optimize time by adding energy to every moment of your day.

  Our workout systems were designed to be time, energy & focus efficient while teaching you to be efficient.
  • Learn & be more productive.
  • Learn & be more focused.
  • Learn how to be goal-oriented.
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  First and foremost, the movements given in our One Body Workouts are safe to perform in many ways. They give you peace of mind.
  • Near-zero impact movements.
  • Learn to act safer.
  • Stronger muscles & tendons help prevent injuries

Without a doubt, the One Body Workout systems are the kindest, most eco-friendly thing we can do for our planet. In fact, they promote further personal eco-friendly initiatives by every participant. 

  Simply put, The One Body Workout contributes to a healthy planet rather than taking anything away from it. 

  Exercise alone, in pairs, or groups. Participate indoors or outdoors. Nothing promotes social activity like our One Body Workouts. 

Saves money
Your small, one-time investment in a complete One Body Workout kit eliminates expensive monthly membership fees commanded by modern workout facilities. Invest your $600-$1000 per year towards your retirement or whichever you choose.

Exercise daily promotes positive daily habits. It also helps reduce negative habits. Be the master of your world when you let the One Body Workout guide your day.

Exercise & sound nutrition work together to create better overall health. The One Body Workout book discusses the synergy between proper nutrition and its effects on energy and your exercise routine.

The One Body Ecosystem
  Continued guidance & educational topics are provided for the One Body Workout systems on the nextworldalive.com website. 

Descriptions & Specifications
  • One Body Workout book is 108 pages.
  • 3 Laminated, color-coded workout templates included.
  • All One Body Workout systems are segmented into 3 simple steps.
  • Duration: between 12 and 29 minutes for the standard routines and 15 to 34 minutes for the "Get Big" routines which are provided with each kit.
  • 3 workout templates are provided with each kit ranging from modified, standard & bodybuilder routines. 
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​About the One Body Workout creator. Notes from the author: