Energy. Power. Strength. You.
Go beyond transformation. Rock your body, mind, and life force in a mere 19 to 29 minutes a day with the One Body Workouts.
Pre-order NOW.
Buy The OBW  Show more
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State of awe.
Why just transform yourself when you can transform everything around you, too.
Fuel your day, your lifestyle, and your purpose. Start your day with The Challenger from the One Body Workout.
  • Only 19 minutes. 3 easy steps & done
  • Choose your body. 2 Workouts included
  • Beginner to intermediate level
Buy The Challenger Show more
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New un-limits.
The rewarding feeling of reaching new heights awaits. Tell yourself you've arrived.
You know you have become the special 5% when your journey brings you face to face with The Warrior from the One Body Workout.
  • Only 22 minutes. 3 easy steps & done
  • Kit includes OBW systems 1.1 & 2
  • "Solid" intermediate level workout
Buy The Warrior Show more
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The year of you.
Your experience is showing. This is how the feel & taste of beyond will be.
A bright, amazing new world like never before. Tear into your day with The Xtreme From the One Body Workout.
  • Intense 25 minute workout. 3 easy steps
  • Kit includes OBW systems 1.1, 2 & 3
  • Intermediate to advanced level workout
Buy The Xtreme Show more
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Battle. Hardened.
Transcending beyond. Transcending unstoppable. The truth of your abilities is in your hands.
Zero fear. Zero limits. Zero excuses. Powerful & Unstoppable. You own your day with The Beast from the One Body Workout.
  • Fierce 29 minute workout. 3 easy steps
  • Kit includes OBW systems 1.1, 2, 3 & 4
  • Advanced level workout
Buy The Beast Show more
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Choose your weapons.
4 golden envelopes are awaiting you, the hero. Let the One Body Workout be your guide.
Your action is victory. Time, energy & health is yours now to control. Begin your transformational journey now with the One Body Workout.
  • Master time. Generate big energy. Be healthier.
  • Safe, effective & simple. For all ages & genders.
  • Lose fat. Gain muscle. Intense calisthenics.
Buy The OBW Show more
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Gifts of gold.
More knowledge to guide & enrich your experience. Added value from the One Body Workout.
Useful, specific tools to help you gain further advantages. 2 bonus gifts to say thank you from the One Body Workout.
  • Free, advanced tips for women & men
  • Specific fat loss & muscle gain secrets
  • Included with systems 3 & 4 purchase only
Buy The OBW Show more
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Still, need time? No problem.
You can still begin your journey to a new you today for FREE. 
We couldn't put a price big enough on our OBW Edge workout, so we are giving our prized, 12-minute masterpiece away for FREE
  • Full-body workout. Our shortest program
  • Gain self-confidence. Gain self-esteem
  • Zero excuses. Do it anywhere, anytime.
Get The Edge FREE Show more
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  Thank you for considering the One Body Workout. Your investment today is more than just a transformational journey for you. This is your opportunity to change the world for the better. 

This is the life of hero's.

  The One Body Workout serves to give you that positive energy that both blocks negativity and projects your new, powerful & optimistic attitude towards others.
​The absolute simplest, most effective full-body workout ever created to: 
Develop powerful, attractive, well-defined muscle and is designed for everyone. Achieve the physique or look you personally desire. Create purposeful size, strength, and energy that you aren’t scared to use and to feel freight-train unstoppable!
Results are inevitable.
Do you want:
Let's break down the time duration of each of the 5, One Body Workout systems. 
(Get big routines are included in the kit)
​My goal was for the One Body Workout systems to give you more of everything that’s good in your life. More energy and vitality for you and everyone around you. You’ll notice big changes and improvements in your physique, self-confidence and those around you will notice how amazing you are, too.​

It's totally FREE! Let's start with our One Body Workout

System - 1 Express. A.K.A "The Edge".

Let's go!
Get The Edge Now
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The One Body Workout System - 1 Express. AKA "The Edge

  My flagship workout. Really. My goal is to place it in the hands of the moving world. I want to give everyone the gift of more energy. In about 12 minutes, I would like to replace the rest of your day with a better one for you.

I would like to see every blue-collar, white-collar, shift worker, desk, or seated worker who is long on work shifts and short on spare time get this exercise system. I know that it will help put energy, clarity, focus back into your day. 

I would like everyone who suffers from anything such as depression to a weak immune system to have this so they can live a better life, too.

If you have working arms and legs or if you simply have the means to perform the exercises in the One Body Workout, I want to invite you to participate.

Imagine a workout so compact and time-efficient that you can actually visualize the end before the first repetition is over. A workout that is so intense that you can feel confident that you've done the right thing for your health today. A workout that is so rewarding that you know that if you can do this, you can do anything.

With "The Edge", you know that everything else you do that day is a cinch. You know that you are more motivated and organized to burst through goal after goal for the day. You know that the energy you have created will get you through it all and will want it again tomorrow.

So give yourself the gift, the reward, and the success of The One Body Workout now. Give yourself "The Edge" for the price of "On the house". Let's go!

Great. Are ready to meet the rest of the One Body Workout team now? Keep scrolling. 

What is all the One Body Workout hype?

Well, It's not hype. It's real.

In Just 3 words.

If there are 3 words to describe the One Body Workout, it would be wild, spartan, and primitive. If ever there was an exercise program that was designed to develop rock-hard muscle, size, and power with zero excuses, this is it. You don’t need a fancy gym, clothing, or tools of any kind, just drop to the ground anywhere and anytime you choose, then do it. Not snow, not rain nor storms can stop you.

One Body equals results.

Burns fat: Absolutely. Builds muscle: Of course. It does both of these any way you choose. Whether you want a tight, hard, and strong physique to a head-turning, impressively sized, muscular body. Combined with the right nutrition, all 5 of the One Body Workout systems provide great results of various proportions. 

On the other list of results, the One Body Workout builds good habits, work ethic, adjusts attitudes, and elevates moods. 

One Body is just the beginning of your journey.

The One Body Workout systems give you a plethora of "gifts". It offers an increase in deep and improved feelings of achievement, rewards, physical and mental health. It increases your feelings of self-confidence, self-image, self-esteem, self-worth, and self-belief. Basically, it improves everything.

It decreases any form of negative perceptions that you may have within yourself and replaces them with new and positive ones. 

One Body is just mean(in a great way).

By the time most people are pulling into the gym parking lot, I am either enjoying or just finished my shower and planning my business schedule. I get business done during my day with more than double the energy plus I get more accomplished with all that extra time saved. I just can’t lose.

Even my System - 4 exercise routine, also known as "The Beast" clocks in at just under 30 minutes in duration, and although it's an intensely grueling workout, it still has you in the shower about the time you've loaded your barbell plates and have completed the first set of whatever you have going on at the gym.

One Body creates time. Lots of time.

I get back an average of 1.5 hours per day when compared to a typical visit to the gym. That’s a staggering 390 hours of actual productivity time in a year. That’s equal to 48, 8-hour, typical, standard work shifts per year. That’s almost 10 weeks' worth of extra productivity time on my side. For a busy entrepreneur, that’s gold mixed with dynamite!

One Body is power.

Can you imagine being 2X stronger than your normal strength? How about 3X? 4X? or more? This is totally achievable, but even beyond being stronger is a vastly improved sense of well-being. When your body wants to work hard, but your brain wants you to work smart, the One Body Workout systems are ready for you.

One Body is limitless.

The happy look on your face when you realize your potential is really unlimited. The One Body Workout systems are the fastest way to discover the feeling of absolute limitless potential in life. The greatness really only starts with our 12-minute Express routine.

Next: The One Body Workout introduces:
  • System - 1.The Challenger.
  • System - 2. The Warrior.
Let’s go!
Buy OBW S-1 + 2
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The One Body Workout System - 1 Complete. AKA "The Challenger"

Do you have 7 extra minutes? Then perhaps you are ready for The Challenger. Our System - 1 Complete, aka "The Challenger" is only about 7 extra minutes to a new level of pure results! In about 19 minutes, The Challenger can create amazing new changes in your physique. Build more energy, power & strength. Add more definition, hardness, and sculpted muscularity while further reducing that unwanted body fat.

Take on The Warrior routine(System -2) in under 22 minutes(Timed at 21.5 minutes duration) our System - 2 Complete, aka The Warrior, is ready for when you have mastered our Challenger routine.

Limited time offer: I am so certain that you are going to love System - 1 that I am going to include The Warrior One Body exercise routine(System - 2) absolutely FREE of cost. Zero-dinero, baby! 

The Challenger & The Warrior are here and are ready to bring you to a new dimension of amazingness.


Be ready. There is so much more! Read on:

One Body is the simplest and quickest.

These workout programs start at a mere 12 minutes and can be done anywhere and anytime. No planning required, just go! Even the most advanced system 4 takes around 29 minutes. All programs are simple and easily committed to memory.

Hello, One Body Workout, goodbye expensive gym memberships.

Wave goodbye to expensive, inconvenient gym memberships forever. Eliminate massive home gym equipment investments. There are no accessories necessary to perform any of the One Body Workout systems. Imagine all of the preparation steps that you won't need either. No drive to and from, no bag to pack and unpack. Just get it done.

One Body is more social than social.

Calling a local friend or friends and introducing them to the One Body Workout so you all can work out together anywhere and anytime is one of the amazing(not to mention FREE) perks of this exercise system. Just remember, It is 2020 and I encourage everyone to act responsibly by practicing social distancing protocols due to covid-19.

One Body is the safest.

Safety was the first consideration in the list of criteria that needed to be met when the One Body Workout systems were being designed for public use. With near-zero impact and controlled cadence, movements emphasized, I believe these routines are among the safest, yet effective for everyone.

One Body is pure Eco-green and blue.

If you are as concerned about a cleaner, greener & bluer planet as I am, then you will take pride in your purchase of the One Body Workout systems knowing that it’s the design and delivery processes are as close to completely carbon neutral as possible.

One Body Workout systems are the great equalizer.

I believe that my One Body Workout systems place your body, mind, and spirit into the next phase of what I like to call: “the acceptance of betterment”, and they give you the ability to harvest the seeds of further successful living.

You deserve it.

Don’t think that you don’t. Something brought you right here. You have been searching for the simplest and quickest way to successful health, a new beginning, a new, super-strong you. There is a winner inside of you and it’s ready to tear its way out of you like a locomotive!

Get disturbed. Get mean!

Motivation is fine. We all like to hear that “We can do it”, but sometimes it takes a kick in the pants, so how about “Just get off the chair and move”… NOW! You are not the pity-party type anyway. You're a warrior! Let’s GO!

Are you ready for the next level?
  • System - 3. The Xtreme!
Let's go!
Buy OBW S-3
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 The One Body Workout System - 3 Complete. AKA "The Xtreme"

  Warning: You are entering the land of The Xtreme. My One Body Workout System - 3 Complete, aka The Xtreme rings in at just under the 25 minute time frame. Mastering The Xtreme brings you into a whole new dimension of growth and was designed to fulfill the demands of those whose aim is more geared towards careers in athleticism than for   

The Xtreme calisthenics workout program was designed to fulfill those seeking an intermediate to advanced level of difficulty.

I would highly recommend that you master One Body Workout's, System - 2 "The Warrior" before you choose to take on The Xtreme. 

What’s inside the golden envelope? Read on.
A look inside The One Body Workout book.

Let’s talk about the moment that you say yes to the One Body Workout systems. Upon your secure transaction, within about 2 weeks(within North America) your physical, official One Body Workout system that you have chosen will be delivered to your door. Your golden envelope contains the following:

Official One Body Workout 108-page book program covering the exercise program basics and deep details, nutritional planning basics, safety systems, motivational and success actions to pump you up, and much more. It’s the backbone of the One Body Workout.

Official One Body Workout charts individually created for Systems 1-4. These charts are what define each workout system and are full-color pinup or luggage-worthy style, simple, instructional charting to follow along.

Complimentary charting templates to help keep you motivated and organized.

Bonus 1: OBW Tigress: Women workout secrets.

Also included in the One Body Workout golden envelope is our bonus booklet: “Tigress: women workout secrets”.

Bonus: One Body Workout's "
Tigress: women workout secrets" is a free gift with the purchase of Systems 3 or/and 4 with bonus advanced exercise tricks and variations for all the lady-tigresses to wring every drop of performance from your One Body Workout systems.

Bonus 2: OBW Warriors: Secrets for the 3%.

I’ll teach you how and WHY to become obsessed with the One Body Workout.

Learn the ultimate secret to destroy procrastination like a boss!

Bonus “One Body Secrets booklet” as a free gift with the purchase of Systems 3 or/and 4 with bonus advanced exercise tricks and variations to wring every drop of performance from your One Body Workout systems.

The One Body Workout humbly introduces:
  • System - 4. The Beast!
Let's go!
Buy OBW S-4
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  If you have come this far, you face The Beast. This absolute champion-level calisthenics workout chimes in at just under 29 minutes of grueling intensity. Your heart, lungs, and muscles will not soon forget this workout. 

Combined with proper nutrition, The Beast will bring changes in a quick fashion. 

More time back.

The most absolute precious resource we have is time. No matter who you are or how much money you have, we all have the exact same 24 hour day. Our One Body Workout saves huge time and resources when compared to any typical gym membership. You certainly have more to do with your time than waste it.

The One Body Workout systems help you place more productive, positive energy back into the time you have during your day.

Helps you develop the most positive, powerful, and productive habits that turn time into goals reached.

Helps you organize your day more easily, tipping the balance over to the winning side of everything.

In our 108-page book, you will learn more about how the One Body Workout puts the most possible time back in your hands every day.

Success system.

I went off on the deep end when I wrote the One Body Workout systems 108-page book. I not only provided the safest, most time, energy, and physical results efficient workout program available, but I believe that it also contains stepping stones to a successful day, week, month, year, and our lives. I truly believe that One Body was created as a tool for complete, successful life fulfillment and not just about an effective exercise routine.

The One Body Workout support Eco-System.
“So if I bought any of the One Body Workout systems, is that it?”

No, there is more. I am in process of creating an online support ecosystem here on the website. I believe your journey is only beginning at the checkout cart. As new and relevant exercise and nutritional information comes my way that lends support to the One Body Workout systems, I shall make it available to subscribers. Imagine it as a book that keeps growing.

You’ve Won, I’ve won!

Hello dear friend, I’m Terry Rees, the creator, author, and developer of the One Body Workout systems. If you have made it this far in reading and haven’t placed any or all of the One Body Workout systems in our secure cart quite yet, then I’ve succeeded.

I’ve succeeded in planting the seed of excitement within you and if you need a bit more time to mull it over, I completely understand. Some purchases are easy and some are not. Rest assured I promise that this would be the one purchase you’ll only regret if you wait. Yes, it’s an easy one.

You’ve succeeded, too. If you still need time to think, then how about you still take our One Body Workout “Express” System 1 for a spin before you leave?

The road to this moment was about 30 years in the making. It took gratitude and nuggets of inspiration, ideas, research, and persistence throughout the years to arrive here and now.

My final tip is to make sure once again to mention that you check out the 60% savings on all 4 of the complete One Body Workout systems I have bundled together for maximum value.

I want it all. I want The Deal.
  • Systems - 1 to 4.
    I can't resist, I'm in!
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  I've saved the best for last, of course

  You knew when you arrived at the top of this page that you wanted it all. You have goals right now, yet are thinking about tomorrow, too. You don't have time to spare and 60% off the whole family of One Body Workout systems just makes sense. 

Today, you can make the best decision by beginning with the end in mind. Take The One Body Workout's Challenger, Warrior, Xtreme, and The Beast home and in your hands now while saving a ton of $$green. Now that's genius!

Thank you, now let's go!

Terry Rees.
The One Body Workout systems shall be subject to and protected by copyright laws before public availability.
Let's Recap:
  • FREE. OBW System - 1 Express: The Edge.
  • $59.95. OBW System - 1 Complete: The Challenger.
  • $59.95. OBW System - 2 Complete: The Warrior.
  • $59.95. OBW System - 3 Complete: The Xtreme.
  • $59.95. OBW System - 4 Complete: The Beast.
The Bonuses:
Other Information.

The One Body Workout.
Committed to the greenest planet possible.

Did you know that The One Body Workout is the meanest and greenest? As in eco-green? Its design from the beginning had to have a minimal carbon footprint on planet earth. This was a critical consideration.

We live in the digital age, so why a paper book?

The condensed information given in the One Body handbook was planned to be complete and impactful, yet lend to a system where its continuance could be participated in online.

The net result is a short, complete, minimalistic, physical, and tangible product of which you could take with you everywhere you travel without the use of technology. Call me crazy, but I designed this system so that should any disruption in digital services were to take place, you would have your One Body Workout with you.

A healthy body & mind equals a healthy attitude towards a healthier planet. Perhaps the “greenest” thing about the One Body Workout is how it contributes to building healthy people as a whole.

About the creator/author.

Today, as I am just around the corner from 54 years of age, I designed the One Body Workout systems with multiple goals in mind. The main one being that it tackles the issue of maximizing time. The kind of time that allows you to not only make the most of your 24 hour day but, your entire life as well. I know with the energy that my workout systems give, that it is capable of helping everyone with various levels of personal and business success. Whether you are a blue-collar worker seeking a new, higher, and truer purpose or a 10 figure earner who needs to stay sharp, smart, and ready to earn your next billion dollars, the One Body way is the road to a happy, productive, body and mind for the rest of your amazing life. 

The Story.

Hey, you made it. So cool! I’m glad you decided to drop by. I’m Terry Rees, the creator of the One Body Workout systems. I have to say it’s been one heck of a long, creative journey to now.

The One Body Workout systems were born out of 2020, the year of the covid-19 virus. I had been in isolation and participating in video Zoom calls with a success coach and a great crew of people at the time of my sudden epiphany to create the One Body Workout book and systems.

You really have to keep your eyes and mind open as we travel the road of life for clues that may lead you to success. I’ve been seeking personal and entrepreneurial success all my life. The origins of the One Body Workout systems go as far back as 32 years when I began to really stitch together how this all came about. The following list is of inspirations that led me to the creation of the One Body Workout.

Epiphany 1. At the mercy of gym owners. I’ve lived in both northern and southern Ontario, Canada for the vast majority of my life and have been a member of 9 fitness clubs. My 4 of 5 of my favorite clubs shut down due to mismanagement and 4 of my least favorite ones remained open and became my least favorite because they just were unkempt and just undesirable to be at. So, the creation of a club-less exercise system was 1 such epiphany that led to the creation of my One Body Workout.

Epiphany 2. At the mercy of partners. The next source of inspiration was workout partners or lack thereof. Of a dozen attempts at having access to a workout partner over the years, that plan worked out 1 time only. Not much in the way of kept commitments from anyone, but I knew that I could rely on myself.

Epiphany 3. Books of inspiration. I like many became inspired by Arnold Schwarzenegger, who of course led me to Joe Weider, and way too many professional bodybuilders to mention from the 60’s, 70,s, 80,s and the 90,s. Soon after that, it was the likes of Sylvester Stallone who was a movie hero of whom I had read much about, then muscle magazines such as Flex, Muscle & Fitness, and finally Muscle Media 2000 by Bill Phillips who also wrote the book, Body for Life.

Epiphany 4. I was a sleeping giant. Well, at least I felt like one. By the mid-90,s after years in the gym, I came to the realization that I was never going to become a professional bodybuilder simply because of my growing knowledge of anabolic steroids, which I had no desire to use at that time.

I remember being at the gym a few times during the mid-late ’90s and while I stood out amongst the regular folks, I wasn’t anywhere as huge or muscular as a couple of steroid users who frequented the same gym alongside me, but I noticed something huge.

I noticed that as big and amazing as they looked, they were not much stronger than me. Pound for pound, I was only 5-10% behind them with the kind of weights they were hoisting around, but I was 5 times their speed, flexibility, and energy levels. The more I looked at them, the more I thought how confined they looked inside of their own bodies.

I now wanted a purposeful body. One that I could labor heavily with, shovel the snow from my driveway with, and not be so thick of muscle that I could barely wipe my backside. The consensus from over 98% of all the women I spoke with was that the “Arnold look” wasn’t at all attractive to them. Muscularity, however, was.

Epiphany 5. Creatine. The game-changer for me in the gym was creatine. It more than doubled my strength, gave me the size, confidence, and huge purpose. I have a detailed blog about my personal experience with creatine in the mid-90s.

Epiphany 6. Christian. I met Christian around 2006. He was a 49-year-old door security guard who worked with me at a nightclub then. Christian's arm size was 19 inches relaxed. He revealed to me that he never touched a steroid in his life which was completely believable because his natural strength was monstrous and his muscles didn’t feel like water bags.

His secret was to do 200 push-ups every night before bed. He explained that he would do 50 x 4 sets over a 10 - 12 minute period, 7 days per week since the age of 18. He also explained that while at first, it took him a year to make it to 200 push-ups, that his body is much bigger now than it was when he was 19-20 years old. He said, “things just keep maturing”.

This proved a couple of things to me. Working out 7 days a week was an acceptable practice and secondly, we didn’t need a gym membership or weights to truly stand out from the average.

Epiphany 7. Lee Chin-Yong. He achieved 612 chin-ups in Seoul, South Korea on December 29, 1994. Aged 70, he completed them in two hours and 40 minutes(Excerpt from Guinness Book of World Records). Just recently in March 2020, I came across this article. What was stunning was this man's age.

Epiphany 8. Herschel Walker. Just this year in 2020, although I am not an avid football fanatic, I discovered and read the incredible biography of former NFL star, Herschel Walker. A super-beast of an athlete who only ever used calisthenics exercises to develop his physique and career. Approaching the age of 60, Herschel still looks in amazing shape and is a true inspiration for me.

I was inspired. Time to create the One Body Workout systems. I’m certain that there were other small tidbits that came into play, but the bottom line is that the One Body Workout and my newly created One Body Total Health company are here because of these key inspirations.

Thank you for reading. Cheers.

One Body Workout creator: Terry Rees