For a new, more amazing you.
Transform your body, mind, and well-being in only 12 minutes a day with the One Body Workout.

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Introducing The One Body Workout
The Edge(System 1 Express)

Hi Friends. I want to be your guide to a new and amazing you. This is our game-changer, the One Body Workout Edge(System 1 Express)

"This version is my flagship of 5 workouts." Why?

Achieve Results. Get the body you want
  • Lose unwanted weight
  • Gain a hard, strong, powerful physique
  • Gain self-confidence
Time. It saves a lot of it.
Time is the most precious thing we have. How much energy you have during every moment of your day is crucial. Good energy equals quality time. 
  • Only 12 minutes(But unforgettably intense)
  • Amplifies time by adding energy
  • Promotes focus, productivity
  • The ultimate alpha-habit. Creates discipline
  • Activates & nurtures our reward mechanism
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Note: This version is known as System 1 Express. There is in fact another OBW "System 1.1 Complete" in my lineup of 5 workouts. The difference is the approximate 7-minute duration between the Express and Complete versions. 

Imagine for a moment: 
Your occupation is so hectic that you constantly feel that exercise is out of your grasp. Long haul delivery truck drivers, 12-hour factory work shifts, swing shifts, entrepreneurs on the go, or any other occupation that may have left you feeling like your life is disrupted or turned upside down. Making your life and occupation a healthier experience is as easy as taking 12 minutes per day to add some energy through the One Body Workout. 

Perhaps your mental focus and clarity are something you question. Maybe you feel depressed, blue, or are in a funk or rut. Your social circle is less than positive or you have not participated in exercise beyond your school years now that you are an adult. In these instances, you are obviously seeking betterment.
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Let the One Body Workout give you the energy to do and be more. 

We decided to charge nothing for The Edge, period. The real deal, however, is that this short, intense, full-body exercise program is priceless. 

Anywhere. Anytime.
Although I wouldn't actually advocate that you do the One Body Workout while in a long line at the bank or at the grocery checkout lane, in fact, you could! 

Do your workout at home, indoors, or out. Do it while traveling, or on break at work. Where will you do the One Body Workout today?

Safety first. 
All 5 versions of the One Body Workouts all have the same, basic movements. All movements were developed to be as close to zero impact as possible. Don't let the word "safety" fool you. These routines are challenging and get results.
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What? No gym?
Most people don't or skip workouts because they know that the trip to the gym is going to take well over an hour. Even a planned 20 minutes on the treadmill at your gym takes over an hour once you add average preparation and commute times to and from the gym. The One Body Workout is not only a time-saver, it's a complete, time-mastery system.

You can invest your $50 + per month in something else. What will you do with your extra $$?

More social than social.
It's pretty simple to participate in the One Body Workout with a friend, a neighbor, 2 friends, 2 neighbors, or in larger groups if you prefer to be a socialite. On the opposite spectrum, if you prefer to be a solo act, do that. So simple. How will you participate?
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All the worlds a stage.
The real question isn't where to participate in your One Body Workout, It's where not to. Anywhere there is a space that can fit the length of your body is where you can exercise. Choose to exercise indoors, outdoors, in walking parks, while traveling, visiting family, etc. Where will you bring the One Body Workout?

The alpha habit.
Mastering the One Body Workout is far more than just getting your 12 minutes of exercise done for the day. From this 1 alpha-habit, you use it to create a snowball effect of positivity throughout your 24 hour day. It sets you up with more energy, improved sleep at night, and confidence knowing that you can do anything else you choose if you can do the One Body Workout. Imagine where you will be in a year from now?
Get The Edge Now
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The One Body Workout ecosystem.
There is a whole world of further health and wellness information beyond this free download. Within the eBook is also the links to my website. With a growing collection of One Body Workout-based, self-help articles I created to move you through your journey of living a longer, healthier, and happier life, too. Did you think this was just another routine? Think again.

You are worthy.
You, me, and everyone else was born with the seeds to create a unique gift to give to an amazing world. To grow it, we have to water, feed and develop it from a healthy body and mind. Grow your healthiest body with the kind of exercise that the One Body Workout can give you.

Lean, mean, and eco-green.
More like, the greenest ever. You're doing more to reduce our carbon footprint on our planet is as simple as adopting the One Body Workout as part of your day. Can you imagine, a healthier, greener you and a healthier, greener planet as a bonus? 
Get The Edge Now
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Make The Edge your story.
You are the hero who finds The Edge. A mysterious power in your travels through life to change yourself and everything around you for the greater good. Will our hero accept the power? 
Visit all the One Body Workout systems ​here
Introducing The One Body Workout
The Edge(System 1 Express)
Hi Friends. I want to be your guide to a new and amazing you. This is our game-changer, the One Body Workout Edge(System 1 Express)

"This version is my flagship of 5 workouts." Why?

Achieve Results. Get the body you want.
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Time. It saves a lot of it.
  Time is the most precious thing we have. How much energy you have during every moment of your day is crucial. Good energy equals quality time. 
  • Example of row in the list
  • Example of row in the list
  • Example of row in the list
Note: Not to confuse system 1(The Edge) with our system 1.1(The Challenger). The Edge is our 12-minute workout & The Challenger is a 19-minute workout.
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Imagine for a moment: 
Your occupation is so hectic that you constantly feel that exercise is out of your grasp. Long haul delivery truck drivers, 12-hour factory work shifts, swing shifts, entrepreneurs on the go, or any other occupation that may have left you feeling like your life is disrupted or turned upside down. Making your life and occupation a healthier experience is as easy as taking 12 minutes per day to add some energy through the One Body Workout. 

Perhaps your mental focus and clarity are something you question. Maybe you feel depressed, blue, or are in a funk or rut. Your social circle is less than positive or you have not participated in exercise beyond your school years now that you are an adult. In these instances, you are obviously seeking betterment. 
Let the One Body Workout give you the energy to do and be more. 

We decided to charge nothing for The Edge, period. The real deal, however, is that this short, intense, full-body exercise program is priceless. 

Anywhere. Anytime.
Although I wouldn't actually advocate that you do the One Body Workout while in a long line at the bank or the grocery checkout lane, in fact, you could! 
Do your workout at home, indoors, or out. Do it while traveling, or on break at work. Where will you do the One Body Workout today?

Safety first. 
All 5 versions of the One Body Workouts all have the same, basic movements. All movements were developed to be as close to zero impact as possible. Don't let the word "safety" fool you. These routines are challenging and get results.

What? No gym?
Most people don't or skip workouts because they know that the trip to the gym is going to take well over an hour. Even a planned 20 minutes on the treadmill at your gym takes over an hour once you add average preparation and commute times to and from the gym. The One Body Workout is not only a time-saver, it's a complete, time-mastery system.

You can invest your $50 + per month in something else. What will you do with your extra $$?
Buy The Edge Now
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More social than social.
It's pretty simple to participate in the One Body Workout with a friend, a neighbor, 2 friends, 2 neighbors, or in larger groups if you prefer to be a socialite. On the opposite spectrum, if you prefer to be a solo act, do that. So simple. How will you participate?

All the worlds a stage.
The real question isn't where to participate in your One Body Workout, It's where not to. Anywhere there is a space that can fit the length of your body is where you can exercise. Choose to exercise indoors, outdoors, in walking parks, while traveling, visiting family, etc. Where will you bring the One Body Workout?

The alpha habit.
Mastering the One Body Workout is far more than just getting your 12 minutes of exercise done for the day. From this 1 alpha-habit, you use it to create a snowball effect of positivity throughout your 24 hour day. It sets you up with more energy, improved sleep at night, and confidence knowing that you can do anything else you choose if you can do the One Body Workout. Imagine where you will be in a year from now?

The One Body Workout ecosystem.
There is a whole world of further health and wellness information beyond this free download. Within the eBook is also the links to my website. With a growing collection of One Body Workout-based, self-help articles I created to move you through your journey of living a longer, healthier, and happier life, too. Did you think this was just another routine? Think again.

You are worthy.
You, me, and everyone else was born with the seeds to create a unique gift to give to an amazing world. To grow it, we have to water, feed and develop it from a healthy body and mind. Grow your healthiest body with the kind of exercise that the One Body Workout can give you.

Lean, mean, and eco-green.
More like, the greenest ever. You're doing more to reduce our carbon footprint on our planet is as simple as adopting the One Body Workout as part of your day. Can you imagine, a healthier, greener you and a healthier, greener planet as a bonus? 
Buy The Edge Now
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Make The Edge your story.
You are the hero who finds The Edge. A mysterious power in your travels through life to change yourself and everything around you for the greater good. Will our hero accept the power?